Article 29 of the UNCRC states that all children have the right to have their talents nurtured, so Year 3 have enjoyed honing their drama and filming skills with Bhulla and Mary Jane.
Y1 loved performing on the drums for our signed song in celebration of the Commonwealth Games!
Year 1 have enjoyed learning about long and short sounds in music.
Our Arts Ambassadors take on a leadership role throughout school...
The school sang their hearts out on Friday,
Year 4 (Poland Class) have been working hard in DT…
Year 4 (Poland Class) have really enjoyed learning learning about how fossils are made in science…
Our hearts ambassadors have worked hard to publicise the school nativity.
Year 4 (Poland class) have been learning about Remembrance Day and making poppies.
Year 4 really enjoyed learning how igneous rock is made.