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May 1, 2020
This pupil in Year 3 has been very busy writing a letter to his school friend and doing.
And doing some matching work.

May 1, 2020
Year 6 are learning about Circuits and Electricity in Science and this pupil has been very busy.
making some of his own circuits.

Apr 29, 2020
In Science Puffin class have been learning about the parts of a plant. As part of their learning...
they had to draw the life cycle of a bean plant. Some lovely work completed.
Apr 29, 2020
*Mathletics Information*
Hello Parents and children!! Remember before, we gave a prize each term for those who did lots of work on Mathletics? From September,...

Apr 29, 2020
This boy in Year 6 has been busy doing some Maths work and recording what happens to the moon...
each night by using this Moon diary.

Apr 29, 2020
This pupil in Year 2 and her brother have completed the PE and BSL challenges this week ! Wow.
See the video they made...Posted earlier today.
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