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Apr 21, 2020
Toucan class have been learning about the Solar System....
These pupils have completed some lovely work about planets .

Apr 3, 2020
These pupils have had a wonderful time making their own nests.
(Rights of the Child articles 28 and 29).

Mar 2, 2020
In our learning about light, Y4 Penguins explore how shadows are made...
and how and why their size changes.

Feb 26, 2020
In Science, we have started our learning on classifying animals.
Today, we had big piles of assorted animals that Miss Firstbrook asked us to sort into separate groups independently. We worked together...

Feb 13, 2020
In Science, Y1 Hummingbirds have been learning about the properties of different materials.
They also conducted an experiment, to explore what material would be good when making an umbrella. UNCRC Article Every child has the...

Nov 26, 2019
Y4 complete their learning about rocks and soils
by thinking about how fast water flows through soil and other materials. They learn that soil must hold water because living things need...

Nov 19, 2019
In Science, Y4 Penguins have learnt about fossils
They have observed and drawn them and also been shown a quick way in which 'fossils' can be made. They know it takes millions of years...

Nov 19, 2019
Y4 Penguins are studying rocks and soil in Science.
They have really improved their observation skills and have carried out investigations to find out about the hardness and permeability of...
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