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Apr 28, 2020
Magic Sweets
A fabulous video created by some of our pupils
Mar 31, 2020
Mar 26, 2020
Mar 26, 2020
Mar 24, 2020
Y4 Penguins always love their opportunity to go outside for.....
Forest School to benefit from our amazing environment. This time we did some conservation work, looked for signs of Spring and, as...
Mar 24, 2020
Y4 Penguins always love their opportunity to go outside...
for Forest School to benefit from our amazing environment. This time we did some conservation work, looked for signs of Spring and, as...
Mar 12, 2020
Intergenerational project
Year 4 have started to visit BID once a month. We join a group of deaf elders to create art together. We hope to promote greater...
Mar 2, 2020
Y4 Penguins loved the visit of the NDCS Roadshow.
It really helped them in their learning about being socially, emotionally and physically happy and strong.
Mar 2, 2020
In PSHE, Y4 Penguins are learning how important...
it is to take care of our bodies to stay clean, fit and healthy.
Mar 2, 2020
In our learning about light, Y4 Penguins explore how shadows are made...
and how and why their size changes.
Feb 26, 2020
Penguins have been learning about Aboriginal art.
We have explored the technique of creating symbols using dot work. UNCRC Article 31 Every child has the right to take part in a wide...
Feb 26, 2020
Y4 Penguins continue to explore symbolism in Aboriginal art.
They have created wall hangings improving their skills in the use of pattern, line and colour. Penguins found it interesting that a...
Dec 5, 2019
In one activity for Friendship Week....
Y4 pupils pupils sorted, discussed and acted out ways that we can show that we are friends or not friends.
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