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Jul 28, 2023
Year 6 visited Birmingham on Monday.
They caught the bus and choose a book from Waterstones and enjoy lunch at Pizza Hut. UNCRC Article 17 I have the right to access Information

Jul 28, 2023
The Longwill Show!!
Year 5 and 6's Art project
Jul 28, 2023
Longwill's Common Ground Video
A behind the scenes look at the creation of Longwill Schools Video project, filmed and created by our Year 5 and 6's with the assistance...

Jun 25, 2023
Y6 have enjoyed starting their Seahorse Jelly business. We created a business plan ...
and made vegetarian sweets, popcorn and chocolate (with jellies). We even made a profit! UNCRC article 12.

Jun 18, 2023
Year 6 have been learning strategies to order food in their very best spoken English as part of their SmiLE therapy. We visited the cafe...

May 18, 2023
Year 6 Manta have been developing their knowledge of iMovie, by using green screens to change...
the background of their videos. This links to Article 13, the right to find out information.

May 12, 2023
Year 6 performed the poem, ‘One Broken Planet’, using our fantastic BSL skills.
We have the right to develop skills and talents (Article 29.)

May 12, 2023
As part of our film project, we have been learning how to interview each other and direct people in
front of the camera. It is our right to use technology and communicate with others (UNCRC, Article 13.)

May 12, 2023
Year 6 have been learning about the story of Noah and how he had to show resilience whilst ...
building the Ark. UNCRC, article 28: I have the right to an education.

May 12, 2023
Year 6 performed at our BSL Eisteddfod last week with such skill and confidence.
UNCRC, article 30: I have the right to practise my culture and language.

May 12, 2023
Year 6 enjoyed learning about the Kings coronation and celebrating this with a special lunch.
UNCRC article 13: I have the right to find things out.

May 12, 2023
Year 6 have been learning about film-making, working with a professional film maker, Bhulla Beghal
UNCRC article 29: I have the right to have my talents nurtured.

Mar 3, 2023
Some pupils from Year 5 and 6 have been investigating and comparing the weight of items this week.
UNCRC, Article 28: I have the right to a good education.

Feb 7, 2023
Year 6 have been observing numbers day...
and looking at how people in school use numbers in their jobs. UNCRC, article 13: I have the right to find things out.

Feb 7, 2023
Year 6 went on a visit trip to the Clock Café.
We practised what we know about road safety whilst walking to and from. We then each ordered something by ourselves. We will now work a...

Jan 19, 2023
Y6 have made posters to campaign about different UN CRC rights in RPSHE and RE....
as we learnt about the importance of including everyone and working towards harmony in the world. SG: 16 Peace and Justice UNRC Article...
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