Our policy is to admit children whose preferred means of communication is already, or is likely to be, British Sign Language, and who require that language in order to gain full access to the National Curriculum, and to promote their personal and social development.
It is the school’s policy to:
Invite the child with his/her parents to visit the school with, where appropriate, present teacher, or other professionals
Visit the child in his/ her present setting
We recommend that parents visit the full range of educational provision for hearing impaired children in Birmingham before offering the child a place here. In this way both the school and the parents can be satisfied that the place offered, is appropriate to the child’s individual needs.
The child’s placement is reviewed annually, or earlier as appropriate, which gives all interested parties the opportunity to consider the continued suitability of placement at Longwill. If it is felt that a different placement is required, due to the changing needs of the child, then further advice can be sought to ensure that a more appropriate placement can be found.
The child’s needs and his/her parents’ wishes are at the forefront of all decisions regarding educational placements.
The staff and Governors aim to provide a high quality education. However, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact the Headteacher, who will attempt to resolve the issue for you.
If you are still not satisfied you can write to the Chair of Governors at the school address.
For a copy of our Complaints Policy please see the link to the left or contact the school office.
If you require a paper copy of any policies or content of the website, please contact the school office on 0121 475 3923
alternatively email enquiry@longwill.bham.sch.uk or use the form on our contact us page.